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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2023

Is Your Dog Constantly Peeing? When to Be Concerned and What to Do (Vet Answer)

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If you have recently noticed that your dog is peeing more than usual, either because it is requesting to be let out more frequently or because you have noticed an increase in the frequency of the dog’s urination, it is critical that you thoroughly investigate the situation. Detailed observations and general information should assist you in differentiating between behavioral, environmental, and medical causes of this condition. How can I tell if my dog’s increased urination is due to a behavioral or medical problem? Your observations as a dog owner are extremely valuable in understanding behavioral issues. Your observations are also very helpful in compiling a complete medical history, which will help the veterinarian accurately diagnose a disease if that is the case. As a general rule, you must be able to tell the difference between a dog peeing, a dog marking, and a dog involuntarily leaking urine. Factors related to age that influence urination Puppy dogs urinate more frequentl...

What Causes My Dog To Snore? Should I Take Action? (Vet Response)

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Consider this: you’ve just gotten home from a long day at work and are looking forward to a relaxing evening in front of the TV with your favorite drinks and snacks. However, you find yourself frustratedly searching for the remote just minutes after sitting down because you can’t hear the TV show over the sound of your snoring dog! Does this sound familiar? Snoring is not only annoying or inconvenient for your sleeping dog; it can also be a sign that they need to see a veterinarian. What Causes a Dog to Snore? There are numerous reasons why dogs snore, and they can even snore while awake! It is sometimes completely normal, but it can also indicate that something is wrong. So, what causes a dog to snore? Canine Breed Certain breeds, such as those with flat faces, long soft palates, or small nostrils, are prone to snoring and snorting while breathing. Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boston Terriers are examples of “brachycephalic” breeds. Although breathing noise is common in th...

What Is The Source Of My Puppy’s Excessive Thirst? (Vet Response)

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A puppy may appear to drink more water than usual for a variety of reasons. The first is the most common reason. Puppies’ organs develop as they grow. Puppies are born with kidneys that develop into fully functional organs with age. A puppy’s kidneys cannot concentrate urine until about 11-16 weeks of age. This means that whatever they drink, they urinate out, making staying hydrated more difficult. Because of this nuances, we never recommend withholding water from a young animal. This is also why it can be difficult to completely potty train a puppy before the age of 16 weeks. Puppies’ kidneys become better at concentrating urine as they age, so when they drink water, the kidneys hold it back and recirculate it in the body. With proper kidney function, dogs (and humans) can drink water several times a day without becoming dehydrated. What Is a Normal Water Consumption? Normal water intake ranges from 0.5 to 1 ounce per pound of body weight per day (40-70ml/kg/day). Excessive water...

When Do Kittens Begin Purring? The Surprising Solution!

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Kittens are one of the cutest animals on the planet. They begin life with their eyes closed, completely deaf and blind. The second week, their eyes open, but their vision is limited. When kittens’ ears open up and their blue eyes change color, they begin to purr around the third week. Kittens are very vocal throughout their kittenhood, making a variety of noises to alert their mothers that they are hungry. Kittens usually start learning to walk after the third week, when they start purring. They will begin wobbly and uncertain, but they will eventually learn to walk and balance successfully. They will become more aware of their surroundings around the fourth week, and some will become extremely curious. The fourth and fifth weeks are ideal for introducing them to the litter box because they can finally use the bathroom without assistance from their mother. After a few weeks, the kittens will be able to fully purr and will have no trouble learning and getting into everything they can...

Can Cats Fart? (Everything You Should Know About Feline Flatulence)

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Wouldn’t it be great if we could blame our foul-smelling gas on the cats whenever we were in the presence of others? Many of us are aware that dogs pass gas, but it doesn’t appear that our feline friends ever let out a little toot. Do cats expel gas like humans? Cats do have gas and fart to get rid of it. Cats, like the vast majority of animals, hold their gas inside their digestive tracts, and it exits the body via the rectum. Cats aren’t known for letting their gas be known. It usually passes quietly and without much of an odor. However, there are times when it is worse than usual, and you may need to visit the veterinarian. Symptoms of Gassiness Cat flatulence symptoms are similar to those we experience. You can sometimes hear or smell it, their stomachs become bloated, and they may experience stomach pain. These symptoms may be a little more severe in cats. Gas upsets their stomachs and may result in vomiting or diarrhea. If you notice that they aren’t feeling well, check the lit...

Is Spaying And Neutering Covered By Pet Insurance? What You Should Know!

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The truth is that most pet insurance companies will not cover spay or neuter surgery because it falls under the category of elective surgery, regardless of how necessary it is. Some pet insurance companies, however, offer wellness plan add-ons that cover things like preventative care and may reimburse spay or neuter costs. Obtaining Pet Insurance That Covers Spaying and Neutering Pet insurance plans that cover routine care are relatively uncommon, but an increasing number of companies are beginning to offer additional wellness coverage at a higher cost. If you want to find a company that will cover spaying and neutering, you must first narrow down companies that offer additional wellness plans and carefully compare policies before making a decision. Just because a company has a wellness plan does not mean they will pay for a spay or neuter. You must thoroughly review the policy to ensure that it covers elective or preventative procedures. Some companies, such as ASPCA Pet Insuranc...

The Top 7 Freeze-Dried Dog Foods

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Have you ever thought about using freeze-dried dog food? Want to learn more about it and whether it is safe for dogs? These and other questions are addressed in our guide. To assist owners in selecting the best diet for their dog, we reviewed seven of our favorite and best freeze-dried dog food options. Finding the best dog food is a difficult task. What one dog enjoys, another may despise. Some dogs have special dietary requirements or medical conditions, such as irritable or sensitive digestive systems. Knowing what food to choose from all the options on the market is a difficult task. Freeze-dried dog food is one option that an increasing number of dog owners are considering. For some dogs, freeze-dried dog food can provide a balanced diet. This dog food option is beneficial to canines for a variety of reasons. Freeze-dried foods are unfamiliar to many pet owners. The majority of the products in this category are quite tasty and offer dogs a high-quality diet of natural ingredient...

Poodle Food For Puppies, Adults And Seniors

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Do you want to know what foods are best for your Standard Poodle? It all depends on their requirements and a variety of other factors. Let’s take a closer look at Poodle nutrition to help you make the best decision for your pup. Do you want the best dog food for your new Poodle puppy? Or perhaps you want to switch to a higher-quality diet? Whatever your reason for visiting, we compare our favorite Standard Poodle food brands to provide you with a diverse selection. We walk you through each stage of the Poodle’s life, from puppyhood to senior years, so you know what nutrients they require and when. Making your decision a lot easier. The standard-sized Poodle is a large dog weighing between 40 and 70 pounds. They are also very active and require a lot of concentrated energy to keep them going throughout the day. This guide is only for standard-sized Poodles. If you’re looking for food suggestions for a toy or miniature-sized Poodle, visit our small breed food recommendations. Finding ...

What You Should Know About 5 Common Savannah Cat Health Issues!

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Savannah cats stand out due to their beautiful spotted coats and long, lean bodies. These cats are unique due to their wild ancestors; they are a cross between a Serval and a house cat. Savannah cats are the largest hybrid cats, sometimes weighing 30 pounds or more, and they can be high-energy and difficult pets because servals are much larger than house cats. However, most Savannah cats on the market have only a trace of wild blood, bringing them even closer to domestic cats. However, their hybrid status continues to affect them, and Savannah cats may have some health differences from standard cats. Despite being a relatively healthy breed, there are five issues to be aware of. The Five Most Common Savannah Cat Health Issues: 1. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the heart muscle thickens. This means that the muscles have the ability to constrict blood flow through the heart, reducing its efficiency. Cats with HCM can live their e...

Can Cats Consume Kale? What You Should Know!

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There is a lot of misinformation on the internet about feeding kale to cats. While many websites will claim that it is completely safe, this is not the case. Kale contains oxidizing agents, which can harm your cat’s red blood cells and cause Heinz body anemia. This type of anemia occurs when the red blood cells are damaged. Your cat is producing red blood cells normally, but they are becoming damaged and ineffective. These damaged cells can be seen under a microscope, allowing veterinarians to make an accurate diagnosis. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors. It is usually caused by something your pet ate, such as kale. A similar problem can be caused by onions and certain medications. Certain underlying conditions, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and inherited disorders, can also harm red blood cells. Finally, do not feed kale to your cat. Kale should be avoided due to its association with this condition. How Much Kale Is Too Much? We do not know how much kale ...

10 Cat Breeds That Don’t Shed Or Shed Less

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Perhaps you want a non-shedding cat because you have allergies, or you simply don’t want to deal with hair all over the place. In either case, the wrong breed can make your home a cat hair nightmare. The good news is that there are many cat breeds available that are either low-shedding or completely non-shedding! We’ve highlighted ten of the best options available to you. The following are the top ten non-shedding/least shedding cat breeds: 1. Cat Sphynx Why not just get rid of the hair if you want to stop the shedding? That’s exactly what the Sphynx can do. They do not shed because they do not have any hair! Sphynx cats are extremely outgoing and loving, and they will quickly worm their way into your heart. There is no cat that sheds as little as the Sphynx. 2. The Siberian Cat The Siberian cat is a good choice if you want a cat with a lot of fur but doesn’t shed much. They have extremely long coats, but they are also hypoallergenic. The tradeoff for the long coat and lack of...

A Mother Cat’s Postnatal Care And Her Newborn Kittens

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After a mother cat has given birth, postnatal care for her and her newborn kittens is critical, and your observational skills are essential during this delicate time. Look for signs of health problems and kitten developmental milestones, such as physical activity, in the first few weeks. Postpartum may occur in the mother cat, so keep her and her kittens in a comfortable, warm space away from the busier areas of the house. Thoroughly inspecting for any abnormalities in behaviors or physical appearances will also help you identify issues quickly, allowing you to seek veterinarian assistance. Veterinarian Examination If you haven’t already, take the mother cat and kittens to your veterinarian for a checkup after one week. If the mother cat hasn’t been vaccinated, now is a good time. She may also receive roundworm treatment to protect both herself and her kittens. Mother Cat and New Kitten Care For a mother cat and her newborn kittens, the first two to three weeks are critical. The ...

Can Cats Consume Tapioca? Here’s What You Should Know!

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Cats are inquisitive creatures with eyes bigger than their stomachs. Cats are notorious for going crazy when you open any food, but is it safe to feed it to them? Tapioca is safe for cats, but don’t feed them too much of it because it isn’t very nutritious for them! The honest answer to the question “can cats eat tapioca?” is “why are you asking?” The answer will differ depending on the nature of the inquiry. We’ll go over a few different ways to answer the question below. Will My Cat Perish if They Consume Tapioca? No. If you found your cat face-first in a cup of tapioca pudding, don’t worry. The more serious concern with your cat eating tapioca isn’t the pearls themselves. Boba tea, a popular and trendy drink, uses tapioca pearls to add dimension to the tea. Tea is extremely dangerous for cats because it contains caffeine, which is extremely dangerous. Tapioca pudding, on the other hand, contains an absurd amount of sugar, which is bad for cats. It is also made with milk products...